
Your Chamber In Your Pocket

The most trusted businesses, networking events, and deals.

From California to New Brunswick and Alaska to Florida, throughout North America and the world, MyChamberApp is your mobile directory of businesses that are members of your local chamber of commerce, a reliable and trusted resource in your community.

One Touch Calling, Directions, Maps, Favorites, and Social Media Sharing.

MyChamberApp enables you to quickly find nearby businesses, events, and deals. Support local businesses, your chamber of commerce, and your community with MyChamberApp!

Over 400 chambers worldwide are already listed on MyChamberApp.

How To Download?

While on your phone or tablet, click the link below that corresponds with the type of phone that you have. You will be redirected to the app store for your phone’s operating system. 

Apple iOS

Apple iPhone or iPad

Android OS

Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel & more

BlackBerry OS

All BlackBerry devices

Business Directory

Franklin Office

600 Main Street 
Franklin, LA 70538 
Phone: 337-828-5608 
Fax: 337-828-5606 
M - F, 8am - 2pm
[email protected]

Morgan City Office

727 Myrtle Street
Morgan City, LA 70380
Phone: 985-384-3830
M - F, 8am - 5pm
[email protected]